Behavior Management
We always make eye contact when speaking to a child
We are firm but kind
We set direct and simple limits
We are always aware of our language and tone
To reward appropriate behavior
We start the day reviewing classrooms rules.
If a child is involved in a temper tantrum he or she we be allow do so.
A staff member will stay with the child and continue to speak in a calm and kind tone to the child.
A parent will be contacted if the child does not calm down
We will remove and distract a child from the situation
We will use a time-out as last resource. Time out will be a minute per age no more than four minutes.
First Step will never
Use verbal abuse or corporal punishment
Deny food or drink to a child for punishment
Punish a child for soiling or wetting clothes
Use physical restraint
Isolate a child
First Step will always encourage positive reinforcement