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Emergency Procedures
  • In case a child will need to be transported to a near hospital the following procedure will be applied:

  • The administrator will immediately call 911 and be on the phone until help arrives. A teacher will go with the child in the ambulance (child’s file will be taken) and remain with the child. The administrator will be contacting the parents by phone. If parents can not be reached immediately an emergency contact, provided by the parents upon enrollment, will be contact. The administrator will keep trying to contact the parents until reached.

  • During walks or field trips, First Step will always make sure that all the emergency cards are up to date and present. A designated person will carry a small first aid kit. The administrator will make sure that all the necessary supplies are checked monthly.

  • Signs of locations for first aid and health care policies will be posted in each classroom.


Emergency Evacuation


Procedures for evacuation will be posted in each classroom. Each teacher will be trained during orientation time on how to follow the evacuation route. First Step provides each classroom with a clip board that lists the children’s names enrolled at the center. In case of evacuation, teachers must bring the clip board to the designated location. During evacuation the following procedure will be apply:

  • Infants will be place in the evacuation crib and a teacher will stroll them out of the center.

  • Toddlers and preschoolers will walk to designate location in a line. A teacher will be located at the front of the line and one teacher will be at the rear to ensure that all the children arrive safe.

  • Each teacher will take a head count when they arrive to the designated location.

  • The administrator of the center will do one last walk through to make sure no one has been left behind.

  • A folder with all the emergency cards will be brought to the designated location.


A fire drill will take place every month. A fire drill log will be posted in the director’s office with the date, time and efficiency of the evacuation drill.

Emergency Telephone Numbers
  • Health Consultant: Marylou Sauro

    • Home: 617-969 9577

    • Cell: 617-291- 4819​

  • Fire Department: 911​

  • Police: 911​

  • Designated Adult: Robert Rossi

    • Cell: 617-784-7953​

  • Poison Control: 617-232-2120​

  • Mt. Auburn Hospital: 617-492-3500

  • Fasebook
  • Yelp!
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