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First Aid & Injury Policy

First Aid

Each classroom is equipped with a First Aid Kit.  There is a sign in each classroom indicating its location.  The Equipment will be checked periodically by the center’s director. Director Sonia Rossi checks each classroom's First Aid Kit on a monthly basis. All staff members are trained in First Aid and at least one teacher in each classroom is trained in infant and child CPR.

Every First Aid Kit is equipped with:

  • Band Aids

  • Ice Packs

  • Gauze Pads

  • Gauze Roller Bandages

  • Gloves

  • Mouth Guard

  • Scissors

  • Tape

  • Tweezers

  • Thermometer

Injury Prevention & Reports

All cleaning supplies will be locked safely out of reach of children. All the refrigerators at the center will have a safety lock in case medications need to be refrigerated. All other medications will be placed in the first aid kit. All medications will have the child’s name written clearly on the container.


All teachers must check classrooms daily for any hazards and remove anything that can be harmful to a child (broken toys, plug covers).


An injury log will be posted at the center with date, name, time, description of injury and any first aid administered to a child. Teachers administrating the first aid will sign the injury report and the parents will also be asked to sign. A copy will be provided to the parents and the original will be kept in the child’s file.


Teachers must report to the administrator any and all injuries, even if minimal. The administration will decide if the parents need to be contacted immediately. In the event that a child needs medical care, the administrator will notify The Department of Early Education and Care.

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